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Eight Spiritual Attitudes For Aging Gracefully


By Mikaela Katherine Jones

Beyond the physical practices of eating a diet high in fresh fruits and vegetables, keeping the body moving, and nurturing yourself with mindful relaxation, more of us every day are realizing that the spiritual attitudes we hold in life are just as important to live fully and age gracefully. I think of the ladies featured in this issue of ADS and how bright their light still shines … so inspiring! I’m nearing forty­six, and am often told I look and act years younger, hah! My life hasn’t been ‘easy’, so I take that as a compliment.

Here are eight of my favorite spiritual attitudes I practice, so that when I reach my So’s, I’m pretty confident I will still be looking and acting much younger … wearing purple and all! Let’s do it together …

  1. Know Thyself. Be yourself, not somebody else’s idea of who you should be. Own your gifts. Listen to your heart to find your life’s purpose and express it. Over time, the expression of your purpose will change. Give it your all…L-I-V-E, LIVE!

  2. Practice seeing the world with the eyes of your inner child. It expands your ability to experience the magic of life. Take delight in the small moments of your day … the sun on your face, the taste of a peach, a wildflower poking through a crack in the sidewalk, a child’s laughter. These pleasurable moments will juice you up if you take the time to truly appreciate them.

  3. Release the past. Let the power of your inner light, your True Self, heal your ‘could haves’, ‘should-haves’, and ‘wish I would haves’.

  4. Hold your head high. You are a beautiful and powerful being of light. Remembering that you are a spiritual being having a physical adventure helps you hold life in perspective and take yourself more lightly.

  5. Give up being perfect. As long as you’re in the body, you still have things to learn and experience. It’s not your job to be perfect; it’s your job to share your light. In so doing, you will inspire and uplift those around you. (You’ll also have a lot more FUN!)

  6. Trust in the process of your life. Even if something ‘bad’ happens. Have faith that something good will come from it. It may take years to see the blessing, but you will. Set your intention for the future, and be unattached to the results. The Creator may have a different and better plan for you.

  7. Make compassion your word for the day, your word for life. Give others a break, we all make mistakes. Forgive yourself and others, and remember you’re never alone. You’re always connected to your light. Ask for guidance. Ask to grow.

  8. Learn to laugh at yourself. You’re pretty funny. Come on, you know you are. Laughing at yourself is one of the best prescriptions for slowing down the aging process. (Don’t worry, your eyes will shine so bright, nobody’s going to notice any ‘laugh’ lines through all that radiance!)

It is my prayer that these eight spiritual attitudes will enable you to live with more peace, courage, and joy in your heart … which is in all ways, a timeless and precious beauty.

Mikaela Jones is an inspirational writer, speaker, hypno­therapist, and Delight Frequency® Manifestation Meditation Teacher.

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Mikaela’s work will enable you to fulfill your unique personal vision by helping you stay connected with your True Self, and find delight daily … so you can shine.