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Give your business a competitive edge

Businesses that can humanize their online presence will win the day.


Videos Drive Growth for your Business
When you think about storytelling, you probably think about fairy tales and bedtime as a child. But storytelling can be so much more! It’s always had the unique ability to connect people on a personal level. For businesses, these personal connections can be used to set yourself apart from the competition. A compelling story can attract your ideal customers and engage them in a way that drives growth for your business.

Storytelling itself has tremendous staying power. Think back to your childhood. You probably have a handful of stories about your friends, family, school days, and experiences you can recall quickly. When you tell these stories, you’re likely overcome with emotion. You can remember everything from the people around you, to the sights and sounds of your surroundings.

Using video to tell stories can have a similar impact. Not only is video the most effective way to disseminate your story to large masses of people at one time, but it exponentially increases the chances your story will be remembered. According to Forrester Research, the information retained from one minute of online video is equal to 1.8 million written words — making it one of the most efficient ways to get your message across.

Video Storytelling Helps with Brand Recall
It’s much easier to remember a story than a list of facts or promises, and it’s even more memorable when combined with the power of video imagery. Creating a visual story will keep your company at the forefront of your customer’s minds, even in the face of competition.

How do we know this? Well, we know better ad recall leads to an increase in brand awareness and brand favorability, metrics tied directly to lower funnel stages like purchase intent and consideration. In other words, the more someone remembers you and your brand, the more likely they are to buy.

So you want to make sure people not only remember your brand, but associate it with a positive emotional response. Do this by thinking about what visuals can help tell your brand’s story. They should be evocative and should correlate directly with how you want your audience to feel.


Storytelling Provides Valuable Information
In addition to entertaining your customers, stories have the power to educate and explain. Your customers are more likely to remember factual information when expressed within the context of a memorable story. According to Wordstream, viewers retain 95 percent of a message when they watch it in a video, compared to 10 percent when reading it in text.

This is what makes video such a great medium for things like recipes, how-to’s, case studies, and more. It enables the delivery of lots of information without overwhelming the viewer, helping them retain more for a longer period of time.

But that doesn’t mean you should jam-pack your video with tons of information. Use only information relevant to your story; the information you include should add, not detract, from your story. Use it to build credibility, trust, and assurance.

Good stories engage audiences
In a story, if you read words such as lavender, your brain will activate the zone of scent. You can actually smell lavender. But good stories won’t only engage your audience physiologically. They will spark interest, they will surprise the audience. They will persuade. A good story will inspire action where facts inspire… well, next to nothing.

Brand Loyalty
Brand loyalty is crucial for any growing business. Remember the Pareto Principle! Brand loyalty helps you nurture that profitable customer base so you can drive repeat purchases and up-sells, and build a community of happy customers.

In fact, brand-loyal customers are the gift that keeps on giving. If they’re satisfied with your products, they’ll be likely to leave reviews, tell friends and family, and advocate on behalf of your brand—helping you grow your audience and expand that brand loyalty.

The numbers speak for themselves. It’s reported that 60% of consumers will tell friends and family about a brand they’re loyal to and 37% will leave an online review. Additionally, 50% of retail brand loyalists show up to buy from their favorite brands in person and 56% check for messages from those brands at least once a week.


Storytelling in Business
Storytelling in business focuses on the human side of work. Basically, it means telling stories instead of just listing facts. Because good stories engage better, they also stick longer in your audience’s mind.

According to traffic guru Neil Patel, “Not only do videos provide a 74% increase in your visitors’ understanding of your product or service compared to pictures, but they also increase the likelihood of your visitors purchasing your product or service by 64%.”

But there’s more. Wordstream shares some pretty crazy numbers as well:

• Social video generates 1200% more shares than text and images combined.
• Viewers retain 95% of a message when they watch it in a video compared to 10% when reading it in text.
• The average user spends 88% more time on a website with video.

Making the business decision to use video as a marketing strategy is a no-brainer.

Storytelling techniques that trigger effects
This approach is more subtle as you won’t actually tell stories. Instead, you will use some tricks to have your speech sound like a story. Make your audience see and hear, and touch, and taste, and smell, make your audience feel. When you create images in their mind and when you engage their feeling, your audience’s brain will be tricked into a “story-like” mode and react accordingly, with similar benefits.

Stories that contain empathy and emotion
Today consumers want to be a part of a brand that does more than give them immediate gratification from a product or service. They want to become a part of a brand that they believe in; one that can enrich their daily lives in ways that drive meaningful and impactful engagement. As empathy continues to emerge as among the leading drivers of successful business today, sharing stories that are accessible and touch upon human emotion are the ones that will win.


Types of Videos: Explainers, Product Demos, How-Tos and Testimonials
There are a lot of different options out there when it comes to making a video for your 2020 marketing efforts.
You need to stop and think about what information your target market of consumers is looking for—and you need to consider what types of videos are currently popular.

In the coming year expect explainers, product demos, how-to’s and testimonial videos to be the most commonly used video types on the web. It is up to you to determine which type best suits your mission and your brand.

Every Business is Looking to Make Videos
There are a lot of statistics out there about how video marketing has been performing over the past few years—but how do companies see video marketing’s role in the future?
According to one study, 99% of marketers plant to continue to make video marketing part of their plan in the coming year—which means we can continue to see a great deal of video content in 2020.

Video has become the number one digital medium when it comes to communicating your brand story, explaining your value proposition, and building relationships with customers and prospects.

Companies get Business From Social Media
At the end of the day, while there may be a lot of bells and whistles surrounding online marketing, it all comes down to getting new customers. And sometimes, all you need is one really good customer who gives really good referrals to get your business pointed in the right direction.

And video marketing can help.
Approximately 93% of all businesses have already gained new customers by posting a video on social media.

Video Marketing is a Multi-Billion Dollar Industry
Still not sure if video marketing is for you? If you are thinking that video marketing is too new or too much of a fleeting trend, just look at how big this market already is.

Video marketing is currently a $135 billion industry, and it is only growing.


Our base rate for jobs with one camera, one shooter, existing light and no set dressing.

Time Cost
1 minute $499
2 minutes $599
4 minutes $799

Package includes: An on-camera interview with editing services, up to 3 photos, and formatting for upload.


It’s common practice to pay a deposit to secure your interview for a specific date and time, and we require a non-refundable deposit of $250 to hold-a-spot.

Deposits will protect both you and Life Stories Productions. By putting down a deposit, we ensure that we will not take a different job on the day of your interview, and our time is protected if you change your mind at the last minute, leaving us without a customer for your time slot.


Despite the complicated nature of today’s business landscape, producing your business profile is possible!

We make a powerful impact by recording your business profile through an on-camera interview from where ever you are.

Our team of specialists are ready to start a conversation with you, showing the potential that storytelling can have on your business.

Contact us today!
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